
Poem (5)

❝ It all hurts. It all feels sad. Everything was heavy. Everyone is just curious and does not really care. I'm depressed. Too much pressure. I'm stress. Too many thoughts. I hate myself who can not do anything well. I hate myself. Everything is getting heavier. I want to stop. I do not want to think about anything. I want to be free of the monster inside me. If indeed I can not be free of that monster, I really do not want to live. I want to end it. ❞ -mldhn

That Girl (Part 9)

That Girl (Part 9) Over and over that girl told herself that everything would be okay. That girl kept repeating the sentence, though she still cried. I think tonight that girl will not be able to sleep. She's been a couple of days all right and I'm grateful for that. But this time I do not think that girl can to keep being that all is well. Things she did not know and why, just kept distracting her thoughts. She was tormented again. That girl looked so tired. That girl repeatedly asked herself, why is she like this? Why does not any one ask, is she okay or not? That girl just wanted someone to care about her. Why do not people realize that girl is so depressed and why no one around her notices? Not her parents, her siblings, her friend, her classmates, no one. Like she can literally be on the verge of tears, drowning, and everyone is totally oblivious. -mldhn-

That Girl (Part 8)

That Girl (Part 8) Every day it feels painful. When that girl wakes up from her sleep, she is always crying. Even on the way to school the girl was crying. But once she got to school she could be so calm, as if everything was all right. That girl smiled pleasantly. By nightfall that girl was always tormented. That girl was tormented by her thoughts. That girl can only cry. That girl cried softly. That girl was crying everytime she slept. Things like that happen every day. That girl asked herself, would she be like this forever ? It's been nearly 8 months. Nothing changed and seemed to get worse. Will she continue like that? That girl was so desperate to end it. But that girl was afraid of what would happen if she ended it. Fear what happened afterwards. She could not tell anyone what had happened to her. The monster inside her body and mind kept torturing her. -mldhn

That Girl (Part 7)

That Girl (Part 7) The girl just cried in silence and alone. She missed the old days. I think that girl is lonely. Because the girl is alone. No one cares. Someone who used to be together, play together, do anything together, now no longer together. No one cares about the girl anymore. In fact, they no longer contact each other. Everything has changed. It was proper for the girl herself. There is no one. Just alone. Anyway the girl was grateful, because it used to be so much fun. Although now it hurts. The girl wanted to say thank you and sorry to them. Take it easy the girl will try to keep it alright. Do not worry. -mldhn

Poem (4)

❝ She hurts and she cries. But you can't see the depression in her eyes. Because she just smiles ❞

That Girl (Parts 5)

That Girl (Parts 5) The girl looks happy today. The girl was playing with her friends in the morning till noon. At night the girl's out playing with her sister. The girl looked happy. The girl was joking and laughing with very sincere. It's like - will she not have any problem. The girl was relieved. Although after returning from playing with her sister she looks sad again. The girl wants to day filled with happy things. Although it is not possible. The girl is grateful for today. Thank you for friends and her sister that make it fun. Ps. I'm sorry for of this post is very short.

Poem (3)

“ listen to the people who love you.  believe that they are worth living for even when you don't believe it. seek out the memories depression takes away and project them into the future.  be brave; be strong; take your pills.  exercise because it's good for you even if every step weighs a thousand pounds. eat when food itself disgusts you.  reason with yourself when you have lost your reason. ” [—Andrew Solomon]